The Purple Mountain

The Purple Mountain
The Purple Mountain, Nanjing

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Best Thing About China...

Hi Everyone!!

Things here have been busy but good! School started on Wednesday and it was a bit overwhelming for all of the foreign teachers but we made it through the first two days. The language barrier is difficult but it just takes a little bit of extra effort. Thomas and I share offices with other Chinese teachers (some are friendlier than others) but we only really get to see other foreign teachers at lunch because we are all so spread out. The school is HUGE and it feels like we are navigating a maze. The students are really great but very shy (in my classes any way- Thomas's 4th graders are a bit more chatty.) It is difficult to get many of them to speak up, but that will of course take time. I actually sat in on Thomas' class today and watched him teach his 4th graders a song about a little chicken who couldn't lay an egg... he choreographed it and all! (Thanks to my mom, Sandy Long, who taught me the song) It was so cute. The school itself is a bit hectic and nothing is ever set in stone so we have been jostled around a lot but we have learned that that is how most of China works- so you just learn to go with the flow.

But! Onto the most important part of this blog... the best part about China is most definitely, without a doubt, FOOT MASSAGES!!! For 25 RMBs (or roughly $4 US dollars) you can get the best foot massage! They soak your feet for a bit- all the while they massage your neck and shoulders... then you lay down and they massage your feet with this anti-fungal, medicated oil/cream... it's super relaxing and lasts about 1 hour and 20 mins. The best part about China... hands down.

Payday is in about 8 days. Most of us are counting down the days so we can all splurge on a restaurant that has an all you can eat and drink special for 150 RMBs... I have no doubt that it will be a bonding experience for all of us teachers. Things here are great! We miss everyone back in America! Hope you are all doing well... we'll write again soon! Our 1st vacation isn't for about a month or so so we probably wont leave the city unless we are going to try and visit Shanghi over the weekend but we'll keep posting about all there is to see and do in Nanjing for now. Love and miss you all!!


  1. OMG I cannot believe that your discover about the best thing in China is the FOOT MASSAGE... I have never ever had one there even though I spent 19 years living in China....
    You should take me to that RMB 25 place for foot massage when i go back...

  2. Mmm...a foot massage sounds unbelievable right now! I'm loving your blog! I haven't looked at the pictures yet, but can just imagine.... So happy you're enjoying your surroundings. Love to you and Thomas...
    Bethany (and Nate and baby Keiser)

  3. .....I'm pretty sure that the best part about china is shitting on the streets. Just saying.

  4. Hey guys! It's James! Hope China is a blast so far. I miss seeing you two. Come back soon.
